What is the right time / season to set up a solar system? This is the most relevant question to hear from potential buyers. Most of the time it is observed that buyers are doubtful about installing a solar system during winters or in the rainy season. Please note that sunlight on our planet is not a seasonal phenomenon. We live in a world that gets sunlight all year round. So, this answers the question! The best time to set up a solar system is when the sun is shining in the sky!
However, there are some misconceptions about the formation of the solar system. This blog will help you to overcome those misconceptions and will try to answer all the questions that the buyer had in mind before thinking about installing a solar system in their home, office etc.
Non- Seasonal Product
The most pertinent question the consumer asks is whether solar is a seasonal product? The answer is no. So the next question is, what is the seasonal product? Seasonal products are products that you only need for a specific season, such as a cooler, heater or geyser. But not so in the case of the solar system. Solar panels work 365 days of 25 years, that you have the warranty for. The sun shines every day and you need to run your light or fan at least every day. This will keep the solar system afloat. So the solar panel is a non-seasonal product. It is fully capable of operating 300 days out of 365 days a year.
Weather Condition
The second misconception people have is how climate change affects the functioning of the solar system. It is a fact that the climate of a place directly affects the functioning of your solar system. Your solar system will work as long as the sun shines on the solar panels. Nowadays, solar panels work efficiently even in low light. According to Solar experts, solar panels generate 10% to 25% of electricity during the rainy season.
Consumption Vs Production
Some critics argue that the production of the solar system is low because the sun is not so strong in winter. Yes, this is true, there will be some differences. However, there are other factors to consider, such as your consumption pattern. Consumption is also low in winter. The higher your power consumption in the summer, the higher the power output from solar panels. Air conditioners also seem to use a lot of electricity. It is recommended to install DC appliances as consumers use less power to operate.
Therefore, you should consider your consumption and decide to choose the right solar system before adjusting your mind